Tuesday 9 October 2007

Desktop Impressions

Okay, so it's my turn to start to catch up on some outstanding homework. I have chosen the easy one first ('cause I'm lazy like that!). I received this meme from So Marjienalized and Choc Mint Girl. The requirement is for me to take a snapshot of the background on my screen.

So here it is:

The photo was taken early one morning in a canoe, when I was trekking through the Amazon. We had left our sleeping quarters under darkness to go caimen spotting with torches. After a few hours we made our way to a large opening in the river to admire the sun rise. As always I had my camera close by.... and I took this photo.

I don't know why, but this photo always relaxes me. It takes me straight back to the happy feelings I had when I took the photo. An experience that I will never forget, and by having it as my laptop background, it is a way of reminding me of what life is really all about.

I am supposed to pass this meme onto other, but I have been reading your posts and most have you have already received it from other sources - so, I will open up the invitation to anyone who hasn't done it yet but would like to.

Best wishes ~ Graham


  1. OMG. That picture is breath taking.

  2. Thanks meleah rebeccah, and once again I hope you had a great birthday!!!!

  3. Oh, gosh, this pictures is amazing ! I'm so jealous... I once took a very nice sunset pic but not as good as this one.

    I can't do sunrise. I sleep at that time. Must be why. :D

  4. I absolutely adore the background image. It's stunningly beautiful!

  5. What a beautiful picture! I can see why you posted it for your desktop.

  6. Sun rise in Amazon!! It looked so unreal!! Woww...

  7. wow that was quite fast. i guess you're better at assignments than i am (obviously..lol). look at that scenery! it must be great to see that in your computer everyday. i knew i didn't make a mistake tagging you :) !!!

  8. Amazing pic Graham! I am sure it truely captures a moment of your life where everything seemed in place and making absolute sense. As you said, "this is what truely matters in life".

    It isnt as good as my desktop's killer ninja squirrel of course but second place isnt bad dude, LOL.

    Take care!

  9. My God, that's a beautiful picture. Sometimes I read these little blurbs about your life travels and can't believe one man has seen so many amazing things. I know your life hasn't always been easy, but kudos to living it to the fullest!

  10. Zhu, lol! Yes, I prefer to sleep too. There is something about sunsrises and sunsets that captures my imagination. The toruble is, I end up taking hundreds of photos over a matter of minutes, as the sky changes colour. I guess that is the value of the digital age.... you can just delete the crappy ones off.

    Thanks for the kind comment.

    Hey neoauteur, Lori and Choc. Thanks for your encouraging comments :)

  11. Choc and Marjie, thanks for the tag. I have found looking at all of yours truly fascinating too. It is kind of like being a vouyer in a way... knowing what each others' screens look like....lol!

    DP, the main reasom for me having this photo on my laptop is to keep reminding me that I work to live, not live to work..... Thanks for your comment mate!!!

  12. Hey Daszzle, thanks for your lovely comment. I appreciate it :)

  13. Hello Graham,
    It's the Cocaine Princess. Thank you for stopping by and I appreciate your comments. Your blog is wonderful! And the photos are spectacular!! I love that bit about the alarm clock, it's so true.
    I'll be posting more stuff soon. I just got back home from a long weekend out of the country. Take Care. I look forward to your entries.
    Cocaine Princess

  14. Hey Cocaine Princess, thanks for stooping by! I look forward to hearing about the weekend.

    Best wishes, Graham

  15. It's a great shot - It was probably even greater in real life.



Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)