Monday 29 October 2007

A Seasonal Gift Of Appreciation

Tish of The Kat House presented me with the Halloween Treat award, created by Hootin’ Anni. Thanks so much, Tish! I am honored. According to the author, I should pass this award on to those “deserving of a special treat for the season”. She has also requested that this award be given not only to blog friends, but also to random blog visitors.

I’d like to present the award to these fine bloggers:

Muse - Muse is a truly amazing lady whose daily ramblings are both amusing and interesting. She has an unbelievable ability to notice the world's idiosyncrasies. Not only that, she also has a great style of photographing the world around her and her cat. Muse has been an inspiration and a great blogging friend to me.

Linda - A wonderful lady who has been a great source of encouragement for me. Her writings often make me cry with laughter and sit up with interest. Her observations always amaze me as she has such an astute sense of awareness. Linda has a great family and lives in a beautiful house.

DeadPoolite - Well, what can I say about this gentleman & superhero that hasn't been said already (apart from the fact that he wears Superhero DP has to be the most gregarious person on the planet. He always has so much to say (in fact it takes a bloody lifetime to read some of his damned comments lol!). He is full of wit but also has a big heart. Put it this way, if the train I was travelling on was speeding out of control I know who I would call first.... and if they were unavailable, I would call DP...LOL!!!!!!!!

Azzitizz - If ever you need cheering up, here is your lady. She has mastered the art of looking on the bright side of life. Azzitizz is a caring and talented person with a heart of gold. She also has a stupendous quality of manipulating the English language and coming out with expressions and phrases that are world class. And her blog would not be complete without her hubby "Neeza" and her wonderful daughter "Little'un".

Daszzle - A budding author, a ghost chaser and a great girl. She is so full of adventure and has many stories to tell. Like all the others on my list, I am honoured to call Daszzle a friend.

Zhu - I could spend all day and all night listening to Zhu's accounts of her travels and her experiences. At such a youthful age, Zhu has had the opportunity to see so much of the world and enjoy so many cultures. Amongst her many many many talents, Zhu is gifted with the ability to create the most amazing drawings. A wonderful, wonderful, wonderful lady!

Mousie - Probably the most creative person I have come across whilst blogging. Mousie has created a magical world of wonder with her many characters and exploding colour. Mousie is the kind of person that the internet was created for. Mousie is a true pleasure to know.

A big thank you to you all for making my experience of blogging such an enjoyment!!!!


  1. Aww, thanks Graham! That's so nice of you. I shall be posting this onto my site with honor :)

  2. I'm actually blushing!!
    What lovely comments. Thank you.

    *Thinks*....'My little ploy worked, little do they know that I am actually a big green, slimy bug-eyed alien who is planning world domination but first needed to gain the trust of these earthlings who communicate in the ancient form of blogging, by pretending to be a human. Mwa, ha, har!'

    Oops! did I say that out loud?

  3. Graham, that is lovely what you said and thank you. I love coming over to your blog - pictures, words and all of the things in it are a visual pleasure of the senses. thank you so much. from Linda :)

  4. oh dear dear...i'm blushing...what a compliment...from a nice young gentleman to an old grandma mousie !!! these young men aren't they cute !!! i'm dancing my little dance of joy...!!!.(wish you could see me, a plumpie mousie dancing !!!!)
    thank you Graham...but don't forget how much you taught me as well...we learn so much by visiting blogs...especially like yours..."the boy who was born on a wandering star "...
    that's why blogland is so interesting...we meet people, we learn things, about others about ourself as well...
    life is worth living !!!!
    have a nice day everybody !!!I prepare my answer the day is for hubby, try to help him not to forget words and gestures...never forget to make your brain as much as you can all of you while you are young...
    Much love from Mousie

  5. So the best you can manage to say about me is "gregarious". I am shocked sir Graham to such an extent that I will skip my M and M's shower.. yep I am that "gregarious":)

    Why not go for "a moronic self sarcastic lunatic with a killer wit and a heart of gold" (you know I am so modest sometimes I think I am reaching saturation point with the concept,lol).

    Thanks for praising my uber awesomeness I am sure you have won a great place in the heart of my gazillion followers, I know you have in mine:) (Yeah I know I am so full of it, lol)

    Take care friend!

  6. Hey Graham,

    Congrats for your award! It's a nice treat indeed :).


  7. Thank you so much for the kind words ! It's really nice from you :$

    I shall put it in my trophy room... oh... "I'm so vain, I think this award is about me" :D

  8. Congratulations on your award, you white chocolate treat!

  9. nice!
    i got this award too!

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Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)