Sunday 9 December 2007

"Christmas Time, Mistletoe & Wine..."

It's that time of year again....

It's time to clamber into the attic and dig out the tree that has been hiding in a carboard box for the past 49 weeks....

It's time to plug in the lights and count how many are not working this year...

It's time to dig deep inside my soul and find that festive spirit that is a little bit lost at the moment...

My tree isn't great and is a little on the small side. My lounge isn't big enough for a large tree. I'm struggling with inspiration tonight, so may make adjust the decorations later in the week. However, there is something magical about switching off the main room light and watching the tree lights sparkle.

I picked up a bag of fake snow from the local Garden Centre and sprinkled it over the tree. It seems to add a little character and depth to the decorations.

I will be visiting London over the next couple of weeks, so will be sure to take some photographs and video of our stunning capital city in all of it's full christmas splendor. Something that just has to be experienced.

Cheerio for now xxx


  1. I thought you pome's called it Happy Christmas? And what's with calling a living room a lounge? hahaha. I'm only pickin' on ya!

    That photo you commented on (on cre8buzz) was taken in Australia, and I have a link to the day that I first experienced that waterfall (although the photo was taken on a different day).

    This page might prove interesting to you.. maybe. Or another day.. just a suggestion.

    Wish you could have been there.

  2. Your tree is so twinkly. You must take pictures of London at Christmas. I dream that one day I will spend Christmas there. I imagine it to be so lovely.

  3. looks so nice! you don't have to have a big tree to bring xmas into the home as i well know. what is topped on your tree? very festive!

  4. I had all my decs up but had to take them down for the carpet to be fitted so they need doing again now.

  5. What a lovely tree, I have one of those fibre-optic ones, it's only small but now my lounge is done I have promised Little'un a BIG tree next year.
    Are you getting excited yet?
    I am!

  6. I think that tree is absolutely beautiful.

  7. Sue, thanks for the links. The photos are fantastic. Australia looks like a wonderful Country.

    Hiya to my Australian friend, Linda!!!! I will definitely take photos next week. It is a truly amazing spectacle.

    Thanks Muse, I have an angel on top of the tree. It is kind of a tradition here to have an angel rather than a star.

    Azzy, long time no speak. I am glad the carpets are down now. It must feel great to have them back!

    Hiya Meleah Rebeccah, thanks for your kind comments. I hope you are well and having fun with your family :)

  8. In like the new template (sidebars...).

    I don't even have a Xmas tree... When I was a kid it was a big deal but since I moved to Canada, there's only the two of us, so we're not that much into gifts and Xmas.

    I awarded you by the way... ;)

  9. Hey buddy, I hope the spirit comes to you soon. I found it while shopping this weekend (who would have thunk it?). Maybe your trip to the big L will be just what you need. P.S. tell it I say hi... our visit was so short last time I was there ;)

  10. Im having a great time with my family. thanks for asking.... but seriously, I could NEVER get my tree to look that pretty.

  11. Angels have become popular here over the years, i dunno. I grew up on stars, so maybe it's nostalgia even though my mom converted to angelism years I guess either way the point is made. But you know now i'm seeing treetoppers that are giant snowflakes and gingerbread men..oh god

  12. not that there's anything wrong with gingerbread men. i'm not making fun of gingerbread men. i'm not being classless and tasteless. gingerbread men are my friends. i stand by them in whatever they do

  13. your tree is lovely.

  14. I shall hope for snow so that your pictures are even more postcard perfect!

  15. Hello again! I just wanted to let you know that you have an award (or two) awaiting you at my site :). Enjoy!

  16. I've adopted Australia.. someday I will call it home. Anyway.. thanks for the compliments and for visiting! I have a new poll up on my blog about whether the readers would like a second podcast... thought you might be interested.

  17. My Sweet Graham,
    How I am touched by your kind words and your concern for me. But I think I'll be okay after all, what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. I love your tree, it's very pretty. You're going to London, I do love it there, well the shopping mainly. I love Bond Street and of course Harrods. Have a safe and happy trip and I can't wait to see the pics.
    Cocaine Princess

  18. I think your tree looks fabulous! it takes so much effort to put those things up but they really do get the holiday spirit going. can't wait to see your pictures of london....

  19. Hey Graham,

    It seems to me that your tree is coming out very nicely!

    I wish you a nice trip to London; and I can't wait to see the next pictures :D!


  20. Nice tree. But it doesn't have any perches in it. A proper tree should always have a perch or two, so some cool birds can sit in it. Nothing makes a tree complete like a cool bird.

  21. Hey Graham. I wandered on over here from Cr8Buzz to have a looksee lol.

    I forgot that Taj linked to you not too long ago, as soon as I saw the pics, I remembered.

  22. hey graham, good to see you're enjoying the holidays with beautiful decorations. may you have a wonderful one!

    by the way....I know it's past overdue, but I was just waiting for the right time to post my recipe meme. Now happens to be it. Please check it out when you can =)

  23. hey've been spicifically tagged by the holiday train. please visit my site when you get a chance ;)



Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)