Wednesday 7 May 2008

May Photography Challenge Introduction

"It's not what you photograph, it's how you photograph it" ~ Graham Ettridge

It's a new month, which means that it is time for a new photography challenge!!!

So, now for the theme.....

I am fascinated by the changing architecture of different towns, cities, countries and cultures. We are all experiencing development and change in our ever expanding societies. I would like to use this photography challange as an opportunity for us to share with eachother, the sights around us. Therefore, I would like to set a challenge theme of "Urban regeneration".


Just to recap, the guidelines for the challenge are as follows:

1) Take a photograph that in some way, manner or form represents the theme of "Urban Regeneration".... examples could be a construction site, a new building, an old building that is need of repair, roadworks or something completely unique.... the world is your oyster!

2) Include a brief explanation of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. The photograph doesn't need to be outside, it can be of somebody or of something around the home.... it just needs to represent the theme of the month.

3) When you have posted your challenge, be sure to send me a link so that I can include it on my "May Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!

4) You want to join in with the challenge but don't have a blog or website to display your photograph on? No problem, just email me copy of the image, along with your name and a brief description of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. I will then include your entry on my "May Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!!!

!!Happy Photography!!

Graham Ettridge

If you have any questions or concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. Well this should be no problem for me because they are constantly putting up new buildings around here. CONSTANTLY. Lately apartments with an urban theme are popular, where they are trying to make them more like on the east coast with indoor entry and with lower floors having businesses like restaurants and such. One such place is going up right where i work. They're also building my new work location, of course it's nothing but a frame right now..maybe in another year i'll have something ;-)

  2. I tried to choose a slightly easier theme this time, after the previous one was soooo! We are experiencing the same thing, with buildings going up everywhere, and roads being dug up and relayed.... the world is turning into a concrete jungle!!!

  3. I'll see what I come up with for this unique challenge!

  4. Hi Graham,

    This sounds intriguing. I do so much nature photography that this is something new for me. I am daunted and saddened by the wait....the "destruction" going on here in New Mexico where I live. So this sounds fun. I am going to try and find time to do this. Oooooh, that means I have to go downtown to the plaza, the great inner city of Santa Fe. Laughing, as it's so tiny.

    PS Thank you for your kind and very insightful comment on my last post. As always they touched me very much. You have a real gift for sincerity...genuineness that shines through your entire blog.

    PPS Thank God, you removed those pumpkin seeds from my sight. the drooling was getting out of hand.

  5. I only just discovered your blog. This sounds interesting and I would like to give it ago. I will put my thinking cap on and see what I can do.

  6. Jessica :) I can't wait to see your interpretation!!!!!

    Hey Robin, the one thing that really excites me about this challenge is that it'll give us the opportunity to share a little bit of what we see on a daily basis in our lives. I look forward to seeing your entry :)

    Liss, welcome!!! Thank you so much for stopping by. I really do hope you do join in the challenge and I look forward to seeing your interpretation of the theme :)

  7. what a great idea, also i tagged you!

  8. If I could find it in my busy schedule Id love to participate in this one. Im sure I could take some FANTASTIC shots in NYC...

    But Sadly, I doubt I will be able to play along.


    Ill just gaze lovingly at all of YOUR photos.


  9. Chasing Fireflies, that is a great tag! I'm definitely up for that one :)

    Meleah! awwwww, I'm sure you can find a couple of seconds in your busy! I'd love to see your interpretation.... Go on! Be a!!!!! I'm countin' on you... no!!!!!!!


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)