Thursday 29 May 2008

One Amazing Year Of Blogging

Unbelievably, this week sees the completion of my first year of blogging. I can honestly say that I had no idea what was in store for me when I added my first post, all those months ago.

Since starting my blog in May 2007, I have had the fortune of communicating with some of the most wonderful people imaginable. I have also looked at things in a different light. I am sure you understand what I mean when I say that when ever I do something out of the ordinary or go somewhere, the first thing that comes into my mind is "Mmmmm, I must write a post about this!". Where ever I go, I automatically look for the perfect photograph that would fit nicely on the page. And most importantly, I always look forward to coming home from work and browsing others' blogs to catch up on what they have been doing.

Anywayz, before I start rambling too much, I just want to say thank you to all of you for making my experience so truly enjoyable!!!




  1. Happy 1st Birthday OMTB!

    Hi Graham,

    I normally follow your posts via feed, but thought I'd stop by and give you best wishes.

    Safe travels & take care;

  2. Congratulations!! My photoblog isn't even a year old yet, but I've been online for about 3 years now, it's been awesome to meet people such as yourself. Cheers for a new year blogging!

    *high fives* :D

  3. Hey Anna, thank you so much for your kind words :D

    *High fives* to you too Kelly!!! And thank you for all the great advice you have given me. You have inspired me to go that one step further with my photography, and I appreciate that!!! It has been awesome to meet you too!!!

  4. I, for one, am happy that you starting blogging that fateful day in May a year ago. Hope all is well Graham! I'm back and I've missed you guys terribly. Stop by and fill me in on what all I've missed... you know how I love all the juicy details ;).

  5. OMG!!! Welcome back Daszzle. It is truly lovely to hear from you... youhave been dearly missed :) I can't wait to catch up!!!

  6. I know what you mean about immediately wanting to share moments in your life via your blog. Its the care that we put into these internet labors of love that make them special. Kind of like The Little Prince and his rose.

    Congratulations on your first anniversary, Graham!

  7. Hollygl, thank you :) I look forward to the next 12 months... I wonder what is has in line for us all!!!

    Jessica, hehehe thank you so much! Grab yourself a plate and have a slice of the cake!!!!

  8. Hey, Graham! Haven't been around for a while. Glad that I decided to stop by today. I don't want to miss wishing "Happy 1st Blogversary to OMTB!!!" Love your blog and really glad to have known you. BIG hugs to you!!! :)

  9. Yipee! Happy birthday to you. I love celebrations they are so much fun. So congratulations on your effort and I hope your blogging doesn't stop as I have only just joined the party and would like to hang around for awhile to hear stories about the interesting places you travel to.

  10. Happy Bloggerversary Graham. I really enjoy your page and your challenges. Keep it going.

  11. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Onemanstaravelblog! Happy Birthday to you!

    Seriously, to keep a blog going for a full year and to maintain such a lively community takes a lot of work and dedication. Well done, Graham!

  12. OOOHH!!! How exciting!

    Happy 1st Blog-versary !

    To many many MORE postings

  13. Crystal, hey friend!!! Thanks for popping by and thanks for your words too!

    Liss, I'll be sure to hang around for a while longer!!! And I am really pleased that you are joining in with the challenges!

    Kasper, I love your contributions to the challenges! Thanks for everything!!!

    Awwwww Amy, thank you soooooo much!!!! I really appreciate it and thanks for the invite to your flickr group too! I look forward to participating in the fun!

    Meleah, what can I say but THANK YOU too!!! :D

  14. Happy Birthday! Blogging can be fun can't it!?

  15. Well, fancy that, I only started blogging in May 2007 too!
    Best thing I ever did.
    Now I'm sat here trying to blow out that candle!!!!
    Happy Anniversary!
    Big Hugs and Loadsaluv


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)