Friday 20 June 2008

It's been far too long....

I'm back.... one year older and a few more grey hairs (Now 36 years old, and still single.... that's not good!!!)... but I'm making my return to the blogging world after a few weeks AWOL. It will come as no surprise that I have missed it all immensely.

I make my return with another of Chica's projectz. This one seemed quite fitting in helping me dig deep, cheer myself up and find some inspiration, by looking back at some of the good times I have had over the past few years.

The project:

"This weeks challenge is a bit ambitious. The whole idea is to photograph every letter of the alphabet, not the actual letter, but something representing that letter. A for Apple, B for blue, C for Cat, you get the whole idea. I imagine that right now you have about 20 of those letter representing photographs already in your collection of photos. Perhaps put together a slide show of them, that would be easy to host and view. "

Here is my contribution:

(To view the video at a better quality level, double click on the video clip and select "Watch in high quality")

Note: The software package that I used for this project is ProShow Gold. I can't recommend it enough. It is the simplest and most dynamic photo/video slideshow package that I have used!

I think this is a great way to look back at some of your fondest moments/captures and to share them with the world. I hope you all check out Chica's project and have a go at this one yourself. Please let me know if you do!!!!

Bye for now and warm wishes
Graham xx


  1. Welcome back Graham! Missed seeing you around. I sent you an email maybe a week or so ago but I guess you didn't get it.

    Just so you know, I deleted my Cr8Buzz account. With everything else on my plate right now, it was just too much for me to keep up with.

    However, I'll still be dropping by your blog from time to time and keeping in touch.

    Take care.

  2. Reflects the traveler and the cook in you! Funny that you start with the Amazon (well, letter a I guess :D ) but you mentioning it was one of the reason I kept on reading your blog at first. That and your freaky accident!

    I have always found it so cool you got to see the Amazon... as a traveler, I'd love to go!

  3. Dawn, so sorry that I haven't been around so much recently, things have been a bit tough around here. Should be back to normal now though :). Keep in touch!

    Hey Zhu :) The weird thing is that since starting my blog, I haven't been on any more adventures, just normal vacations. I am so looking to getting back into the swing of a real exploration when I go to Egypt later this year... it has been far too long! Then I'll start thinking about next year. Mmmmm, so many places to think!

  4. Hi Graham, I really like your A to Z project and how it reflects your life, much better then just taking photos foreach letter of the alphabet. Putting it together with porshow gold makes so interesting. I have hear about this software, some peole I know rave about it. I might have to check this project out when i get a chance. A bit flat chat at the moment and need to sleep some where in between everything I have to do.

  5. I just love your montage, way to look back upon what you've done and where you've been.

  6. Graham...this was sooo well done my friend and very fun to watch. You have such a talent for this stuff. You have an eye for detail and for things that others don't see. Love seeing things through your eyes! So another year and you are still single huh? I would soooo find you a girlfriend if I lived near you! A fun, spontaneous, adventurous, anything goes, loves to eat amazing food, sings in the shower, giggles at your jokes, poses for your camera, walks in the rain kind of girl!!!

  7. Liss, I hope you get a change to do this project... your photos are always a joy to see.

    Jessica, thanks my friend. Sometimes it is nice to look back and reflect.

    Michelle, what can I say? Thank you so much for your kind words. You have just described my perfect girl.... I just wonder whether she really!

  8. Your blogging again!! hurrah. I will make a slideshow with that program very soon! :)

  9. Hi Graham, I am sitting here with a great big grin on my face. Truly!!! This is absolutely AWESOME. It is totally dynamic. The photos, the way they break apart for the next one, the music, the lettering, ALL of it is making me sit here with a GREAT HUGE grin on my face. I LOVE IT!!! I have to check out the software you mentioned. Also as to you "being back" all I can say is, "When you come back you REALLY come back!!!" LOL Hugs, Robin


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)