Friday 4 July 2008

July Photography Challenge Introduction

"It's not what you photograph, it's how you photograph it" ~ Graham Ettridge
It's a new month, which means that it is yet again time for a new photography challenge!!!
So, now for the theme.....

Well, it is Friday evening. My day has consisted of a long hard "headless chicken" day in the office, followed by sitting in a traffic jam for 40 minutes, then a 6 mile cycle session in the gym, finished off with 1 mile swim. I'm now sat at home on my sofa, and have one thing on my mind.... FOOD!!!!! I'm on the verge of hallucination with! And because of this, I am emotionally driven to choose "Food" as the photograph challenge theme for July. The interpretations are endless.... it could be a photograph of your favourite meal (if it is, then be sure to include the recipe in your post!), or it could be a photograph of a fruit/vegetable or even a favourite drink.... the world is literally your oyster!!


Just to recap, the guidelines for the challenge are as follows:

1) Take a photograph that in some way, manner or form represents the theme of "Food". You are welcome to use your artistic touch to manipulate the photograph using a photopackage such as photoshop. Be as creative as you desire!!! You are even welcome to sumbit a video clip, if that is your preferred media.

2) Include a brief explanation of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. The photograph doesn't need to be outside, it can be of somebody or of something around the home.... it just needs to represent the theme of the month.

3) When you have posted your challenge, be sure to send me a link so that I can include it on my "July Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!

4) You want to join in with the challenge but don't have a blog or website to display your photograph on? No problem, just email me copy of the image, along with your name and a brief description of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. I will then include your entry on my "July Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!!!

!!Happy Photography!!

Graham Ettridge

If you have any questions, concerns or have an idea for a future photography challenge theme then please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. Now this is a challenge I can sink my teeth into!!!

    har-de-har-har......I couldn't resist :o)

    *Count me in!!

  2. I'm in! I'm already thinking of a picture I took last week-end...

    I'm hungry now, bad you! :D

  3. The kids and I just made home made pizza for dinner tonight but it’s all gone. I feel I might be doing a little bit of baking this month. I don’t have any ideas yet but I am sure I will come up with something. I might have to find something delicious so I can share the recipe with everyone.

  4. ""headless chicken" day in the office, followed by sitting in a traffic jam for 40 minutes,"

    ha ha ha ha

    thats my day every day monday-friday

    but i dont have the gusto to go the gym afterwards!

  5. The world is my oyster?! But I don't like

    I will be sure to come up with something, that tater post came too early darnit! :)

  6. Hey Jessica, I am so glad you are in! I can't wait to see your photograph!!!

    Zhu! Bad me indeed.... I lurve food! I wonder what you have in mind... I look forward to seeing it!

    Liss, Home made Pizza... Mmmmm yummyyy! And where was my bit? eh? I can't wait to see your recipe.... I will be sure to give it a try too!

    Meleah!! LOL! You are too funny!!! hehehe!!!

    Chica, You don't liek oysters? lol! They are sooo scrumptious!!! That tater photograph was great, but just a lil too early mwahahahaha!!! You'll just have to photograph something else!!!

  7. Great theme! Here's my entry URL


  8. Ok so I almost forgot AGAIN! lol. But Liss posted her's today, so it prompted me to post mine too.

    They are old pictures, but good ones at that! :D

  9. I ended up doing something different from what I thought I would do. This is very simple.

  10. I actually have a food blog with recipes included, so I guess Id opt that out and post to another blog...thanks to chica for leading me here...`=D be back...

  11. Ok, here´s mine, since this is my 1st time to join I posted 3 food photos:

    Literally I posted food there. I´d blog hop tomorrow...thanks for a great challenge!

  12. Hey Graham,

    I'm just getting into this hobby that I dropped for awhile, but I'm starting to pick it back up.

    A friend (Mothy)suggested a couple of sites and thus I'm here. The other site was Chica's blog and that's how I found out about your challenges.

    So, thus the creative drive in me is up to the challenge.

    My entry is simply titled "Coke".

    I look forward to more challenges in the future!


  13. Hey Graham,
    I've accepted your challenge! After blood sweat and tears over trying to photograph my instant noodles, frozen chicken nuggets and BBQ Shapes, I settled on my good ol' staple diet of Vegemite and Beer


  14. Challenge photographique de juillet

    Gateau d'anniversaire


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)