Friday 11 July 2008

Project - Flower Desaturation.

Roses in a frame

Chica and Photo-Projectz has come up with yet another fantastic project. This time it is to desaturate a flower. As I am starting to experiment with my photography, this is an idea opportunity for me to try something different.

The project rules are as follows:

It's to take an image of a flower, and make it black and white, and whatever other editing/non-editing you don't do. You can also just take the image in black and white, I do know that many cameras have that fancy option. I would like to force the color out of you and make you pay attention to highlights, lowlights, and everything in between. There is a certain science when working with black and white, that totally differs from color. You just have to figure it out is all.

I had great fun trying this one and recommend that you visit Photo-Projectz and give this one a try!

I took the photographs this evening. Unfortunately, the weather is awful again today, with yet more rain, so I was unable to get into the garden to take the photos. The background of the photos is actually the beechwood side of one of my kitchen units. With hindsight, I should have looked for something brighter, as the background is too dark. Perhaps, when I have time, I may play with this in photoshop and try to lighten the background, to allow more emphasis on the flower.

Here are my attempts (I also took this opportunity to try sepia):

Photograph No.1

Original Photograph

Black & White


Photograph No.2

Original Photograph

Black & White


Photograph No.3

Original Photograph

Black & White


Although I was reasonably satisfied with my very first attempt at this, I also realise that it is way off the mark and clearly needs some work. If anybody has any tips or advice on how I can develop my skills in converting to black and white, I would truly appreciate it. Black and White can be a wonderful medium, when used properly.

Bye for now,

Graham x


  1. Those came out awesome, surprisingly enough I was more drawn to the sepia colored ones, they are all very nice Graham! :)

  2. Thanks Chica :o) I agree, I have never really used either medium before, but I have completely fallen in love with sepia.... it provides so much warmth and depth. Thanks for the inspiration for this.... I am definitely going to try more in future!!!

  3. I'm all about the sepia toned photos.....

    A tip worth checking out would be to learn how to use curves. It would allow you to add more contrast. I think you would find it useful.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Thank you so much Jessica, I am definitely going to have look at the curves facility... At the moment, I know what I want to achieve but don't know how to achieve it. Thanks for the tip :o)

  5. I am voting for your sepia shots too. They have come up lovely. My personal favourite is the cream rose bud. It makes the best black and white shot and beechwood background colour really suits in the colour photo.

    I would recommend you start with levels before using curves they are a little easier to work with. Set your darkest point of the photo at about 8 (as this is black) and your lightest point at around 40 (this is white). Then all you have to do is play with the mid tone point to you get it where you are happy with the colour.

    I did Chica�s flower project yesterday too. I will have to post my results now.

  6. Most of my photos are sepia and it's not through camera tricks!!!

    How come your's look good but mine just look creased and dog eared??? OK, Yes, I know, it's because they are sooo old! (I'm a bit creased and dog eared myself now)

    Have a great week.

    Love Azzy

  7. That really shows us that colors are sometimes optional in a great photography. I should take more b/w pics...

    I love the b/w best. Sepia has its charm as well though.

  8. All of them are lovely. I just wish I knew more about photography than I do. I use a simple basic digi cam but I have loads to learn. Maybe someday I can be a professional photograher like I always dreamed.

  9. Black and White photos are MY FAVORITE photos. They are so classic and crisp.

    You did a fabulous job.


  10. These are ALL simply elegant, Graham. I had trouble choosing which version I liked best....until I realized that I couldn't choose...they were all SO good. But I did react differently to each version....

    I found the sepia warm, softly romantic and old fashioned, like it would go well with pearls and old lace. It had a by gone-era feel to it. Even made me feel somewhat poignant or melancholy (not in a bad way.) And then I scrolled up to the B&W and found it so crisp and clean in a way that made me gasp (in a good way)...then I went on to the color and let out a deep breath and felt deeply grateful that I live in a world of color, astounding color. I think different colors affect me in different ways.

    But I too am experimenting with B&W and sepia, etc. It is a great art form. I think things that have texture and are curved or their is a variance of depth in the photo can make B&W interesting.

    You are SO creative Graham. The photos alone are stunning no matter what format they are in. There is a deep stillness to them...a peace that I really like.

    Thought of you today my friend when I went for a hike and tried to film some of it. Don't know if it came out as I've never used a digital video camera before. But is was fun. I hiked barefoot and waded in a freezing cold mountain stream. Loved it all. If my video comes out I'll try and use it as a post at some point.

    Many hugs,
    Your friend Robin

  11. I am going to try this before my roses go out of season, or I could do it with the fabulous shots I got this year of my giant bearded purple iris. I love the black and whites the best, more so than the sepia and even the color.

    Did you have natural lighting from a skylight? Or did you light it?


  12. Oh Graham, I love the new addition to this post. The top photo is simply breathtaking. The reflections look amazing and the background is a wonderful contrasting colour all adding to the feel of this shot. The picture also proves colour has it place and each photo should be treated individually, depending on our emotions and what we want to display to our viewers. I think you have displayed the true beauty of flowers pick from your garden.

  13. Liss, I agree I kinda like the sepia ones too. Although I still need to learn how to get the curves and contrast right. Lots of homework is in order I think!

    Azzy, you made me laugh re your comment about the sepia! you are too funny!!!

    Zhu, it totally does show that colour is not essential... B&W and sepia both are great mediums.

    Michelle, what do you mean? Your photographs ARE GREAT!!! You have a great talent there and you are a master of interpretation, when it comes to the monthly challenges!

    Meleah, B&W are great photos.. they leave so much to the imagination and are frequently very emotional. Colour photographs often give the observer too much information and lose a little of the magic.

    Robin, I can't wait to see some of your movie footage! It'll be great to really see where you are, along with the sounds of the surroundings!!!

    Hiya Kimberly, thanks for visiting and I do hope you get chance to take some photos of your own roses. Let me know when you do, as I'd love to see them. The lighting in these photos is from the kitchen window. I would have liked to get a more balanced light, but time was aginst me. However, I think the natural light helped provide an atmosphere to the photos. I would also have liked to have had a better background. The background here distracts too much from the roses. Thanks again for visiting and I hope to see ya around here again :)

    Liss, thanks :) That first photo was from a tutorial in a camera magazine. I was pleased with how mine turned out, so added it to the post :)


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)