Tuesday 12 August 2008

Sunset from the end of the Earth

Sunset from the end of the Earth

Well, I have finally arrived home after two weeks in the sun. I have so much catching up to do, but thought I'd share with you one photograph to wet your appetite of the things to come.

This is a photograph taken standing on the cliffs of Cabo de Sao Vicente in Portugal. Before the discovery of the Americas, this location (the most westerly point of Europe) was believed to be the very end of the Earth and it was thought that if you tried to sail over the horizon here, you would fall off the edge of the World.

I'm sorry that I have fallen so far behind on things, especially the July photography challenge. I'll endeavour to post the entries before the end of this week, and will also kick of a short challenge for August. I'll also attempt to get a few more of my holiday snaps downloaded and posted very soon.

Warm wishes

Graham x


  1. Welcome back matey, bet you had a glass of something with you to help DRINK in the beautiful vista.
    Ha, ha.

    Love Azzy

  2. Welcome back to England, hope it's not raining!

    I love the symbolism of the picture. The end of the world... our world used to be so small!

  3. i missed you.

    can't wait to see more breathtaking photos :o)

  4. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! He's baaa-aaack! Hi! Hello! Hugs! Greetings! Jumping up and down greetings! :) :) :)

    What a spectacular photo....it almost doesn't look real it's so perfect, Graham,....just like your last moon photo. Aaaah, such breathless beauty.

    All I have to say is PLEASE ease into things...pace yourself and don't overwhelm yourself with doing it all at once. We will all still be here. There is time and it all can wait as long as is needed

    Glad you are back safe and sound.
    Hugs, Robin

  5. Welcome Home! It takes time to get back in the swing of things especially after a vacation like that!

    Glad you are home, I have missed you!

    This photo is stunning, I cant wait to see the rest of them!


  6. Okay, just so you know, I will be stalking this blog and your flickr account until I see these photos. Im dying with anticipation.

  7. Oh wow Graham...it must have been breath taking...did you just stand there in awe?

  8. Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos!

  9. Wonderful photo. I just want to stare at this and believe it is me actually taking the shot.
    The photo is very fitting to the story you tell to. As it congers up the sprit of bravery, who is bold enough to step of the edge of the earth and see where they fall.

    Welcome home has missed you heap.

  10. still waiting...looking...dying for more photos!!

  11. Azzy, Thanks mate! And I am really glad that you had a wonderful time in Somerset and London!!!

    Zhu, I am afraid it is still raining in England (but heck, that is no surprise...lol!). You are so correct. The world used to be so small, then Americas were discovered and the world become so big and exciting. Now, with the aid of flying, the world is becoming so small again. Nowhere is too far to travel.

    Jess, I missed you too!!! It was nice to be on holiday, but it is equally as nice to be catching up with my friends too!

    Robin, thank you for your lovely words and warm welcome back. The sunset was unbelievable - I just had to hold up the camera and shoot. There was something so magical and emotional about being stood on the edge of the world.

  12. Meleah, awwwww thank you soooo much for your encouragement :) lol! I promise to get some more photos up very soon!!!! I kinda like keeping you guessing hehehehe!!!

    Michelle!!!!! Great to hear from you!!! To stand there and watch the sun set, feel the wind in my face and listen to the sea lapping against the rocks below was a truly memorable experience. Totally awe inspiring.

    Hiya Janette :) I'll be sure to post them real soon :)

    Liss, thanks friend :) It is hard to imagine what was going through the minds of the folk that took that big step to sail over the horizon. Not knowing where they were going to end up or what they were going to encounter. True bravery indeed.

  13. Hey Graham,

    Welcome back!!! I hope you had a really nice time in Algarve :D!

    I must say that you do have a beautiful voice, my friend (yeah, I just heard the audio introduction of yourself)! And I am glad you haven't poisoned anyone up-to-date lol ;)!

    Beautiful photo, Graham!


  14. Great photo and your other gallery of pics of Portugal. Going to Portugal and Spain for three weeks this summer myself. Like you I realized how little traveling I've done. Last fall I decided it was time to stop procrasting. There you have it :)


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)