Tuesday 2 September 2008

My First Sale

This morning started in the normal way… the alarm going off at 6am, falling out of bed and diving straight into the shower, getting dressed, ambling down the stairs, dropping a slice of toast into the toaster, making a cup of tea, logging on to the internet…


I came upon an email with the heading “Sale notification from Redbubble

I jumped for joy and my feet haven’t touched the ground ever since. Some truly kind hearted wonderful person has actually purchased a piece of my work. A photograph taken by me is going to appear as a poster on a wall somewhere…. I am soooooo happy!!!!

Whoever you are, THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!! I am so greatful and today, after struugling with a serious bout of the blues over the past couple of weeks, have the biggest smile on my face imaginable!!!!

If you would like to view my photographs for sale, please be welcome to visit my gallery.


  1. Wohoo! That was great news! I'm so happy for you, Graham! :) Congratz!!! :)

  2. That is amazingly wonderful news!!! I just love this photo too. I have been to your red bubble site, I have played with all the settings to see what some of you work looks like framed, laminated or poster print and I think they all look fantastic and so professional.
    This is one of my most favourite photos and I am so glad that someone else has seen its beauty and wants to hang it on their wall. It is too nice not to be displayed :)

  3. Congratulations!

    This could be the start of something big. You could be like the next Lord Whatsizname, him that took pictures? Was it Litchfield? I've got two names stuck in my head, Litchfield and Snowdon and I can't for the life of me remember which one was the photographer but I'm leaning towards Litchfield.

    Good luck.

    Think I'll pop over to your gallery myself and take a peek.


  4. I like them all, but among my favorite are the old cobblestone street (I could frame this one!) and the market place. Love the colors and also the way you frame pictures, like in "flying high".

  5. I'm so happy for you! Feels good, doesn't it? You deserve it anyway.

    I'm looking into selling a few pics as well, I will have a look at your gallery and also at Redbubble.

    May more sales to come!

  6. Great stuff Graham. It validates the quality of what you do when someone buys it. Hopefully many more sales may follow.

  7. Why am I not surprised? I am however so friggin HAPPY for you, how amazing man, perhaps you should leave your blog link somewhere on redubble, as a means of them contacting you or something. Then you could find out whoever did it if they want to contact you that is.

    I hope you sell a bunch more. :D

  8. Congratulations! Well deserved too. That photograph is beautiful.

  9. That's awesome! Congratulations!

  10. You see, when the stars are aligned, it's meant to be. Congratulations! Have been there, and there are no words to describe the feelings, although you've done a great job expressing them! Found your blog on I Beati's. Glad I did. Continued success!

  11. Well congrats but i have to say i'm suprised that nobody snatched up all your art long time ago!

    I'm really glad to see that your photography is really blossoming into not just a talent but perhaps a bit of a profession!

  12. Congrats and well deserved! You've got some gorgeous photos in your gallery.

    I must add that I really like your self portait. The atmosphere and lighting work together perfectly, IMO. :-)

  13. Well...if that's the painting sold, I would never have doubts. Quite an amazing peice of art, the lucky guy needs no thanks at all. He's got a great collection with him.

    Hope all is well with you hun. May the blues disappear all the way.

    cheers dear...

  14. That is AWESOME. Kudos to you!!

  15. That is very cool. Congratulations. I enjoy your pictures very much, but unfortunately am broke at this moment. I ran across a travel site I think you might enjoy, you can post your travel pics (as well as other stuff). Its baraaza.com.

    Keep up the great photography!


  16. Awesome Graham! I love that photo by the way. There is something about what/how you photograph things that makes me want to be right there in that place!

  17. Congratulations, Graham! I hope you sell many, many more! You're an amazing photographer. :)


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)