Thursday 13 November 2008

November Photograph Challenge

"It's not the camera that takes a great photograph, it is the photographer"
Hurrah!! It's challenge time!!!! ...and what a challenge I have for you all this month. As we are fast approaching the festive season I thought I would try and come up with a theme to get us into the spirit of things. Therefor, the November challenge theme is "Happiness".

Your photograph should represent something that makes you feel happy. I really wish you all to have a lot of fun with this one!!!!

Just to recap, the guidelines for the challenge are as follows:

1) Take a photograph that in some way, manner or form represents the theme of "Happy". You are welcome to use your artistic touch to manipulate the photograph using a photopackage such as photoshop. Be as creative as you desire!!! You are even welcome to submit a video clip, if that is your preferred media.

2) Include a brief explanation of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. The photograph doesn't need to be outside, it can be of somebody or of something around the home.... it just needs to represent the theme of the month.

3) When you have posted your challenge, be sure to send me a link so that I can include it on my "November Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!

4) You want to join in with the challenge but don't have a blog or website to display your photograph on?

No problem, either:

a)Just email me copy of the image, along with your name and a brief description of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. I will then include your entry on my "November Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!!!

b)Join up to a photo storage site like Redbubble or upload your photograph, then leave a link to the photograph in the comments box on this post.

!!Happy Photography!!

Graham Ettridge

If you have any questions, concerns or have an idea for a future photography challenge theme then please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. I hope I make it in, I haven't been real timely in anything these days. :/

  2. Something cheery for the season, good! The darkness is getting to me a bit, and it's cold too...

    I'm gonna think about it and let you know when I find my challenge photo!

  3. hmmmm .. dare I come up with a new costume for the pup - one of my favorite happy images. Oh, the temptation. ;)

  4. Oh, I have something in mind that will just scrape in on the deadline. It is festive and fun but nothing to do with Christmas.

    I think the theme for December's challenge should be "Festive"

  5. I love this idea, and in fact, posted my photo on my blog the other day. Happiness is something I seek deeply these days, and generally mange to find, even in dark times. This is a great idea and it brought back such a happy time for me.

    Thanks Graham, always fun participating in your challenges.

    Best my friend,
    Kimberly of Kimberlee Kreations

  6. I just got my challenge posted.

  7. here's my entry:

  8. Here's my entry - available 11/30 after 6:00 am PST:

  9. I too love the idea, and certainly included my photo on my blog the other day. Happiness is something every one is seeking deeply these days.

    Thanks for sharing, Keep on doing nice work Graham...

  10. Yeah, I totally agree there should be a club of all of us from the active members who shop and find delightful goodies.

  11. Very cute
    Your blog is full of life and activites
    I like it...

  12. Thanks for sharing such a nice post. Truely involving...

  13. I especially like the first picture. We have a big window in our livingroom and every time it's sunny the sun will shine really nicely in and my dog loves it. He always looks for the warm sunny spot to lie down and take a nap.

  14. The following suggestions might improve his skil

  15. Thanks for sharing such a nice post. Truely involving...

  16. It took me a lot of time to think and write a comment, that every thing is simple yet so beautifull. Awesome photography...

  17. Well as far as I know you have been to a lot of places.


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)