Saturday 3 January 2009

And the results are.........!

Mmmm, I think I have some catching up to do! I have been AWOL for far too long. Before disappearing I left a photo challenge and a request for help in choosing some of my photographs to go into a photobook.

I can't thank enough, all of those who participated in both challenges for their reponses. I will post the entries to the "November photography challenge" over the next couple of days. However, today I would like to announce the names of the lucky winner of the photobook along with the 6 runners up who will be receiving a fridge magnet.

Firstly, the 6 runners up are (in no particular order):
1) Chica
2) Marie
3) Janette Jones
4) Wandering Butterfly
5) Muse
6) Liss

The lucky winner of the Photobook (as soon as I have finished!) is....

!! Zhu !!

Thank you all again and, once the magnets have arrived, I will be contacting each of the above individually to confirm postal addresses.

Happy New Year to you all!!! and I promise not to be absent for so long in future!!!

Graham xx


  1. awesome!!! Thanks. :)

    Congrats to Zhu!

  2. Yes! Don't be absent for so long ever again :P we almost collapsed your comments box :D

  3. congratulations lucky zhu! I can't wait to read her post once her fabulous book arrives. Thanks for posting Graham, I know things have been busy but it's always nice to hear from you so we know you are doing well.

    I'm so excited about my magnet too!! I will have to consider where it will go, I don't always put magnets on the fridge ;-)

  4. Congradulations to all the winner's and glad to see you back ! disppointed I didn't win but oh well! maybe next time.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I'm so excited! And I'm so glad you're back! I hope you had a great December, Graham!

  7. Wow, just got back from NYC and found out that I've won - looking forward to receiving my magnet and hearing about the photo book. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!

  8. Quite happy to have you back my friend and I'm glad your picture book is on its way to completion. I hope it brings you as much excitement as my recent publication has brought me. My first picture book has made me feel like I really accomplished something and even though I have not sold any, I am still thrilled that I am in print. I know you will feel the same and I know you will be purchased. Stay in touch my friend.

  9. Oh welcome back Graham. I have really missed you. I cons tally check to see if you have posted anything. So firstly welcome back and happy new year. I hope thing have settled down a bit and you get some time to do the things you want like taking photos again.

    Congratulations to all the winners especially Zhu - you lucky duck!!

  10. And of course you know I will hold you to your promise Graham!

  11. Woohoo! Love seeing my name in big red letters here!

    I absolutely love books (ask anyone, I have been known to carry books with me at all times!) and especially photo books. I like your pictures and it´s really cool that I will have a chance to get to see them printed.

    Take your time to finish the book, I´m in Panamá right now, flying to Perú tomorrow (don´t hate me!), not sure when I will be home again...

    But thanks agin for the nice surprise, I´m looking forward to seeing your art printed.

  12. yay! congrats to all the winners! and it sounds like you have been given permission to take your time in finishing the book. that's what I need, permission to procrastinate, LOL.

  13. congrats to all the winners! Nice to see you BLOGGING again!

  14. Hmm.....Still No Graham?

  15. Happy New Year too Graham. Hope you celebrated well. And don't worry about being away....I've done the same =)

    Cheers always...xxxx

  16. are away! well hun, when you come back, please check out my blog. You've been hit by a wonderful meme!


  17. Graham,

    You crossed my mind. Good news.

    I made it to Thailand this past year.

    It was amazing.

    Happy Trails.


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)