Monday 13 April 2009

March 2009 Photography Challenge Results ~ "10 Things About Me"

Who is Graham Ettridge

Okay, so above is my contribution to the March challenge of "10 things about me", containing a mixture of old photographs and new ones.

My explanation of the photographs is as follows:

1) An Achiever ~ Once I set my mind on something, I never give up (sometimes to my own detriment).

2) At One With Nature ~ Nothing invigorates me more than being out in the wilderness watching the sun rise through the canopy of the trees.

3) A Workaholic ~ Over the past 15 years my career has got the better of me. I have spent far far far too much time at work albeit early mornings, late nights and/or weekends. Only recently have I been able to start building a work-life balance.

4) A Wanderer ~ As you all know, I love putting on my boots and walking. Absorbing the scenery, being intoxicated by the smells, the sounds and the sights that this beautiful planet has to offer.

5) A Chef ~ Mmmmmm food. Enough! Just give me a call if you want to try my culinary magic :o)

6) A Dreamer ~ When I am not able to be outside in the mountains, the deserts, the forests, I am dreaming about being there.

7) A Reflective ~ I took a personality test at work a while back. It summed me up more than anything I have ever taken before.... everything was me to a tee!!!! This is what it said... "People like you who are extremely Reflective are energised when they are absorbed in thoughts, images, and insights into their inner world. You probably enjoy spending time alone or with a couple of close friends, keeping a feeling of quiet intimacy. You're likely to allow yourself lots of time for contemplating the world at large and how you fit into it. In addition, your careful and thoughtful nature can have a calming effect on the people you come into contact with.

The thing that encourages you most in life — the thing that makes you get up and take action — is the potential you see to learn about something new and unknown. You are probably fascinated with learning how things work and having new experiences. Because of this, you probably have an interest in a variety of pursuits that span all kinds of disciplines. At times, your insatiable desire for learning also drives you to be independent and individualistic because you want to get answers to your questions about the world around you. You thrive when you see the opportunity to learn and discover new answers."

8) A Sportsman ~ I love badminton, swimming, cycling and golf. I would do more, but just don;t have the!

9) A Photographer ~ My camera is never far away from me. I love to look at the world from a different perspective and try to capture as many moments in the lens as I possibly can.

10) An Adventurer ~ I love an adventure, the education of a new culture, the challenge of a high mountain or a dense forest, the risk of wild animals, the curiosity of a new location. (I got the little Indiana Jones Lego character from the local toy!)

Now for the great entries from you guys. Firstly can I congratulate you on your brilliant interpretations. Each of them revealing a little bit more about the person behind the camera :o)

10 photographs about Muse at Xanadu

10 photographs about Michelle at Rusin Roundup

10-no-12 photographs about Liss at A Memory Forever

Zhu at Correr Es Mi Destino ~ 5+5 and 5+5=10

Robin at Naked in Eden ~ Who are you?

Please take some time to visit these blogs and have a look at their truly fantastic efforts, and be sure to leave a comment whilst you are there :o) It is not too late if you want to enter the challenge. Just drop me a line with a link to your photographs and I will add it to the list :o)


...And now for the next challenge. Now I know the last challenge was a real difficult one, with 10 photographs. So, this one is going to be a lot easier. There is one things that we all probably have lots of at the moment, so thought I would set it as the challenge for April (it is quite topical!). Have you guessed yet? The theme is "CHOCOLATE".

Just to recap, the guidelines for the challenge are as follows:

1) Take a set of photographs that in some way, manner or form represents the theme of "Chocolate". You are welcome to use your artistic touch to manipulate the photographs using a photopackage such as photoshop. Be as creative as you desire!!! You are even welcome to submit a video clip, if that is your preferred media.

2) Include a brief explanation of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. The photograph doesn't need to be outside, it can be of somebody or of something around the home.... it just needs to represent the theme of the month.

3) When you have posted your challenge, be sure to send me a link so that I can include it on my "The 'Chocolate' Photography Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!

4) You want to join in with the challenge but don't have a blog or website to display your photograph on?

No problem, either:

a)Just email me copy of the image, along with your name and a brief description of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. I will then include your entry on my "Chocolate ~ Photography Challenge Entry" post at the end of the month!!!

b)Join up to a photo storage site like Redbubble or upload your photograph, then leave a link to the photograph in the comments box on this post.

!!Happy Photography!!

Graham Ettridge

If you have any questions, concerns or have an idea for a future photography challenge theme then please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. I was really super stoked to do this challenge, but then when I got down to the nitty gritty, I just could not think of images that describe me. There were the obvious ones that would have worked, but I didn't achieve what I was after, so I didn't submit. It did make me think though, so there's that!

    I enjoyed browsing through the entries though, and think you all did a fabulous job. :)

  2. Thats okay Chica... it is the though that! :)

    I hope the next theme is a little easier and at least you can eat it afterwards...lool!

  3. Fantastic images Graham! I like how you provided an explanation for each. I admire your determination of never giving up and also for having dreams. We're never too old to have and fulfill our dreams.

  4. Wonderful photo's and a better explaination of the man behind the camera. I'll start on the next one . :)

  5. Awe Graham, your photos are wonderful. I didn’t realise just how much I have missed them until now.

    I remember when you took photo number 3. I really like this shot. I think it is very powerful and it always make me want to get to know you better.
    I really like that your photos show serious, sensitive and humours parts of your personality.

    Photo 10 rocks – I hope they are your toys!

  6. These are so great! Well you went a step beyond what I should have done is put more of a detailed explanation about the 10 things. I love the photos of the wanderer and explorer (which btw are those it!) It was very challenging to actually come up with 10 things about me, that make up who I am. I guess we aren't as reflective as we think we are

    Workaholic, ugh I can relate. Only my pic would have been me half collapsed on a desk looking depressed and angry. I throw myself too much into something that doesn't even make me happy

    Ok chocolate! Dear god, i feel like i'm being set Now I have to go buy all kinds of chocolate to get just the right photograph, right? ;-) Sounds delicious!

  7. HiGraham

    I’ve been looking at your blog and I think it’s perfect for a campaign I am working on, on behalf of Tourism Australia. Although it would be great to get your opinion to see if you agree?
    For you or any of your readers who are aged between 18–30 and looking for an adventure or career break, what do you think of this........

    We have created a really cool widget that allows anyone with a question regarding a working holiday visa to Australia, to be able to embed this on their site, so your readers can use and interact with it! This will be available shortly.

    We also have a really cool competition running where you can choose your adventure:
    “Win an Aussie Working Holiday including flights to Oz and your choice from 6 great month-long, paid job placements”. I’ve listed 3 of the options below:
    • Make the ocean your ‘office’ and dolphins your ‘colleagues’ by becoming a dive guide near Perth
    • Join the team at the award-winning Prairie Hotel in the South Australia outback
    • Have a Red Centre adventure serving dinner under the stars at Ayers Rock resort

    I think you’re site would be a perfect fit for this! What do you think?
    Please let me know if you would consider posting something up on your site? I have images, video, the interactive widget, and a whole bunch of other assets that I could send you.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards,


  8. Damn, damn, damn! I really wanted to participate in the challenge, and between the South American travel and France now, I didn't have the time.

    I will do it when I come back to Canada...

    I really like your 10th picture, very original and it illustrates well a part of your personality.

    I always admire your forest pictures... I know how hard it is to get good light in there.

    Well done!

  9. CP ~ Hey :o) Great to see you here!!! Thank you so much for your kind comment. I agree, we are never to old to have and fulfill our dreams.

    Michelle ~ Thanks :) and I look forward to your next entry :o) Your photos are always sooo cool!!!

    Liss ~ Thank you :) your comment was really appreciated. I always enjoy seeing your photographs. You always manage to capture such wonderful colours with perfect composition and lighting. ps. #10 are my! I got them at the local toy store! I actually went in with the sole purpose of finding them and was so overjoyed when I found out that they actually existed!!! Well done on your entry, it gave me a little insight into the lady behind the lens :)

    Muse ~ When I set the challenge, I had no idea what to say about myself. The first task was to come up with the list of 10, and then the ideas for the photos fell in quite quickly. I thought yours were fabulous and really do capture the real you! And thanks for the idea of the collage!!! Fab as usual!

    Zhu ~ Hey my friend :o) !!!! OMG! You really do have the travel bug at the!!! I hope you are having a great time back in France, but hurry back to Canada as I am waiting in excited anticipation of seeing your 10 things about you!!!! :o) xxx

  10. Hey lil' goober, How are you sweetie? I LOVE this photo collage; it touched me so deeply that I was stunned. It is SUCH a brilliant idea and you did it so beautifully. I am going to do this on my site. It won't look this cool but I LOVE doing photo collages. You are such an inspiration. Do you know that? And Do you also know that you are SUCH a creative and magical person. Never doubt that Graham.

    You have really pegged yourself very well. I love the wander in you, the traveler, the reflective person, your oneness with nature and all the rest -- I relate to so much to ALL the ten things. Mine will be either the same or almost the same. You are a unique, sensitive and kind kind person.

    I'm hardly blogging this month due to work and public speaking and so much going on. But wanted to pop in and give you a hug.

    I'm so sorry I missed this challenge it is one that really appeals to me. So I am going to do it on my site even though the challenge is over.

    Well, I have to dive into work but I thought I'd start my day with visiting you. I hope you are doing okay and have time to be in nature. You have such a strong love there. I't simply just part of who you are.

    Love and big hugs lil' goober,
    Guess who? xoxo

  11. PS. I just wanted to add: Know that YOU, who you REALLY are, is seen, loved and appreciated. You're sensitivity and love for Life, the Wild, Laughter, Joy, Reflection, Kindness and Compassion, Sensitive "Knowing", Hunger for Avdenture, Travel and New Things all make you shine.

    Never give up on your deepest most genuine dreams. Never. These things are such a part of who you are that if you ever gave them up, you would be giving up on Graham. Which I know is just not your way, but I just want to always always encourage you to listen to and follow your heart because it's a beautiful true heart. And there are those of us out here who see it, see YOU. You inspire us to be more of who we are.

    Hugs Lil' Goober,
    Guess who?

  12. I love the way you have laid out the photographs. Fantastic.

    I need a few pointers with a camera :( I seem to lack in artistic flair xx

  13. I finally made in on a challenge! Here is my chocolate version..

  14. Realistic and classic photography. All the titles are unique and modern.

  15. Awesome Graham! guess who's back???? and now I can take part in contests since I have a camera and all the things I need!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!

  16. I chanced upon to view your blog and found it very interesting. Great ... Keep it up!


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)