Friday 30 April 2010

Good news and even better news!!!

So what can be that good? You may well ask! Well, firstly I am going to be blogging again. This time I have many many many good reasons to be confident that I am going to be blogging regularly. The even better news is that, not only will I be blogging here much more frequently, but I have a new blog with a whole new theme and a whole new set of challenges.

I won't spoil the surprise here and now, instead I will invite to to hop on over to my second blog.

I look forward to seeing you there, and watch here too as there is going to be a plentiful supply of posts coming up fast and furious!!!!

Best wishes and look forward to speaking to you soon!

Graham :)


  1. Pretty cool!

    Some of the goals made me laugh (stock market... mmmm... I can tell you where to NOT invest!), some made me dream, some are serious and some are more light.

    I wish you the best of luck! It's a very positive way of thinking. Love it!

    I'm afraid I'm too superstitious to set my goals like that... I'm always afraid to jinx something.

  2. Good luck with #35 that is a nightmare!

    I love your blog header it is so clever. Obviously you have been polishing your skills while absent from blog land.

    PS: tried to leave this comment on your new blog but couldn't as there was no room on the bottom of the screen to type in the verification code.

  3. Hey Zhu :) Thank you my friend! I need lots of positive thinking at the moment, which is why I decided to make the list. I hope you noticed the photobook is on there. As soon as it is made, you will be getting one of the very first copies (although it is a couple of years late...sorry!).

    Lisssss!!!! Hello to you too! #35 is going to be a nightmare! lol! Thanks for your kind comment about the layout, alas it wasn't my design. A good friend did all the work.

  4. Well these things come in circles I suppose. A lot of us have left blogging on the sidelines for a long time and now we are getting back to the groove of things:). Good to know you are back, your link never left my place you know (oh I am such a sentimental Merc it is unbelievable, LOL).

    Take care Graham and well, get going with your goals you lazy git(I just had to say that to prove that the spirit of DP is still alive and well , LOL)!

  5. Hi Graham,
    Thank you for your comment, I read it and by accident I rejected the comment instead of publishing it. Good to see your blogging again!

  6. Look forward to it Graham! And sorry I've been out of touch. I'm trying to start my blog up again too :)

    Hope all has been well!!

  7. Pretty cool!Some of the goals made me laugh (stock market... mmmm... I can tell you where to NOT invest!), some made me dream, some are serious and some are more light. I wish you the best of luck! It's a very positive way of thinking. Love it!I'm afraid I'm too superstitious to set my goals like that... I'm always afraid to jinx something.


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)