Sunday 27 June 2010

Time For A New Challenge

Yes, time to brush the dust off your camera and get your imagination & creativity in motion! A new challenge has begun!

It has been far far far too long since I last offered a photography challenge. A number of people have written to me and spoken to me, asking why I stopped running the photography challenges. Well, unfortunately things got a bit hectic here over the past couple of years, and I just didn't have the time. However, things have settled and the fun NEEDS to start again. And as they say "there is nothing like the present". So fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for a high octane burst of photography fun!

The big question is what should the theme be? Well, I think we should kick off the challenges with a fun one. Something that everybody can join in with, whether you are using a state of the art professional camera or using the camera on your mobile phone. I also want people to think a little bit, to challenge themselves and have a bit of fun. Therefore, the theme for this first of a new set of challenges will be.....

"An uncommon view of something common" - closing date 16th July 2010

Just to recap, the guidelines for the challenge are as follows:

1) Take a photograph that in some way, manner or form represents the theme of"An uncommon view of something common". You are welcome to use your artistic touch to manipulate the photographs using a photopackage such as photoshop. Be as creative as you desire!!! You are even welcome to submit a video clip, if that is your preferred media. You might want to also include a second photograph that shows the same thing in its more common view.

2) Include a brief explanation of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme.

3) When you have posted your challenge, be sure to send me a link so that I can include it on my "The 'Something Common' Photography Challenge Entry" post next month!

4) You want to join in with the challenge but don't have a blog or website to display your photograph on?

No problem, either:

a)Just email me copy of the image, along with your name and a brief description of how the photograph(s) relate to the theme. I will then include your entry on my "Something Common ~ Photography Challenge Entry" post next month!!!

b)Join up to a photo storage site like Redbubble or upload your photograph, then leave a link to the photograph in the comments box on this post.

!!Happy Photography!!

Graham Ettridge

If you have any questions, concerns or have an idea for a future photography challenge theme then please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. It's been a while indeed!

    I'll give it a shot :-)

  2. Hey! Can't wait to see what you come up with. And it can't be a photo of me next!!!! I'm not common!!!! hehehe!!!!

  3. Finished! Here it is. Try to guess what it is whithout looking at the comment!


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)