Sunday 24 April 2011

"STONE" Photography Challenge


I always look forward to new challenges, what ever they are. It has been a long time (yet again!) and by popular demand I have been requested to kick off the monthly photography challenges again. As it has been so long, and a lot of us are feeling perhaps a little rusty, I will try to make the first theme not too complicated. So there will be no excuses from any of you about not joining in...LOL!

So without further procrastination and hesitation, the theme for this month is "STONE"

The closing date for submissions to the challenge is 8th May 2011


The guidelines for the challenge are as follows:

1) Take a photograph or set of photographss that in some way, manner or form incorporate the theme of "STONE". You are welcome to use your artistic touch to manipulate the photograph(s) using a photopackage such as Photoshop/Paintshop Pro etc. Be as creative as you dare!!! You are even welcome to submit a video clip, if that is your preferred media.

2) Include a brief explanation of the photograph(s), including what inspires you with the image, the location, camera/lens/settings used etc.

3) When you have posted your challenge, be sure to send me a link so that I can include it on my "The 'STONE' Photography Challenge" next month!

4) You want to join in with the challenge but don't have a blog or website to display your photograph on?

No problem, either:

a)Just email me copy of the image, along with your name and your description. I will then include your entry on my "STONE ~ Photography Challenge Entry" post!

b)Join up to a photo storage site like Redbubble or upload your photograph, then leave a link to the photograph in the comments box on this post.

!!Happy Photography!!

Graham Ettridge

If you have any questions, concerns or have an idea for a future photography challenge theme then please do not hesitate to contact me on


  1. Looking forward to you challenge Graham!

  2. YAY! Mindy and CP, I am finally back and great to see you both here :D

  3. Interesting Contest Graham. such a simple subject 'Stone' easy for most people except someone like me surrounded by sand :)


  4. Can't wait! This is a simple, yet versatile theme. So many different angles and interpretations popped into my head immediately!

  5. Pari, you are more than welcome to use rock or sand in your pic :o)

    Sue, I thought I would make it easy to start with. I already have a great idea bubbling away for next month that will be a little more challenging... mwahahahaha!!!!

  6. Before I forget, let me send you the link to my entry (Flickr picture):

    Every year, a local artist make sculptures by the river. The full story is here:

    I hope you're doing well! Staring blogging again?

  7. You know you can count me in, now to go in search of a photo.

    I'll message you later for a catch up chat.

  8. Ok, as promised, I think I have come up with an entry, even though I only have ugly rocks and lots of dirt to deal with in the way of scenery here in the desert. Here is my link:

    Hope you like.


  9. I changed my mind on my last entry. I went to the canyon to the left of where I took the previous picture and actually found some "stone". I was so thrilled. The link to this new entry is:

    Graham you can either delete or ignore my last post. Thanks, Kimberly

  10. Paris last year:

  11. Hi Graham,

    I'm glad to see that your still blogging :D

    As usual I won't be taking part in taking photographs as I'm not sure I can hold a camera straight. I tend to break them too... But I will do what I do best. Look at them! xx

  12. Nice blog, one of my favorite blogs.....all the best!

  13. Looking forward to the new challenge old friend. I'm in a new state and we have wonderful things here to take pictures of. Glad to see you back.

  14. Where are you, Graham?

  15. Wow, great photo! Amazing matching colours.


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)