Sunday 20 January 2013

A Winter Wonderland

A village scene in the snow

It is a bit of a shame, but snow around my area is a rarity nowadays. We only get a splattering maybe once every couple of years. So, imagine my delight when I opened my blinds on Friday morning to discover that everything was white outside. I have to confess that the child in me comes out when it snows. After work, I grabbed my camera and went exploring with a friend. It was a lovely day with a perfectly crisp chill in the air. The kind of crisp air to make your nose go cold and your eyes water, but still feeling cosily warm underneath several layers of clothing. It would be so unfair of me to experience such an afternoon without sharing at least a handful of photographs with you...
My friend Faraz making his way up the snow covered road

A day off school provides a perfect excuse to go sledging.
An amazing moment captured when a flock of swans took off over the frozen lake
The church at Lydiard Park looks amazing in winter.
I love the way colours contrast against the snow.
We all feel like this occasionally 
Heading back home to warm up in front of the fire


  1. Oh my!! Now I finally have some inspiration for winter photographs. The scenery around here is so familiar to me I have a hard time finding the new and beautiful in winter scenes (and so much white!). Thank you for sharing these! I will have to take the cameras out for a trip sometime soon!


  2. I read that England got so much snow that Heathrow cancelled several flights.

    It's been quite snowy & very cold up here too, spent the last couple of days by the fireplace sipping on hot chocolate.

    You always take such awesome pictures.

  3. @ Michelle - Thank you!! :D

    @ Sue - I am so glad you have got your inspiration back. I can't wait to see your pics :D

    @ CP - The snow was quite bad here, but it is turned back to rain now. I am so envious of your days by the fireplace. They sound heavenly xx

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  5. Amazing photo's indeed.. I wish I could take photo's like that..

  6. So beautiful photos! You always take such awesome pictures. You should take some photos of Dubai

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Best wishes ~ Graham :)