Sunday 21 October 2007

An early morning stroll in the Costwolds, England

Early morning at Lechlade_0027

I woke up this morning and the sky was clear - not a cloud in sight. The mist was begining to lift as the air began to warm. A golden opportunity to take a short 5 minute trip into the cotswolds to take some photos at one of my favourite locations - Lechlade.

Lechlade is a small village that has a very young river Thames running through it. The river Thames starts not far from here and travels easterly to the capital city of London.

Early morning at Lechlade_003

Early morning at Lechlade_008

Early morning at Lechlade_004

Early morning at Lechlade_005

Following the heavy downpour of rain that we had earlier this week, many of the fields and woodlands were waterlogged. This gave the secenery an even greater sense of Autumn.

Early morning at Lechlade_006

The photo below is one of my favourite shots of the morning, the ground was still wet with dew and covered in cobwebs. I think images like this one truly represent the time of year.

Early morning at Lechlade_011

Early morning at Lechlade_012

The bridge over the river Thames is a great place to stand and watch the mist slowly drift away from the river...

Early morning at Lechlade_007

...The two photographs below were taken standing on the bridge within a couple of minutes of each other at around 10:15am and clearly show the shifting mist.

Early morning at Lechlade_010

Early morning at Lechlade_009

So, that's what I spent my Sunday morning doing. I hope the weather stays like this for a few weeks - I simply love the Autumnal feeling, with the trees changing colour, the mist in the mornings and the crisp fresh air.


  1. I have spend my Sunday morning ripping up the rest of my carpet and having a total clearout!

    Much rather have gone for a lovely walk.

    My voice has totally disappeared now, I can't even give a little squeak! Think Neeza and Little'un are very happy about that! Just wait until I get it back!!!!


  2. i can smell the earth, the grass and hear the birds through your photos...reminded me of long gone days when I worked in UK I loved spring and much happen in these seasons...

  3. I spent my sunday morning on the computer. LOL It's beautiful outside too with a warm breeze. Those great shots almost inspire me to take some of my own.


    If it weren't for the fact that there's nothing around here worth snapping

  4. Amazing scenery and gret photos Graham. This is the kind of setting, I wish I can be part of at least few times every year. San Diego doesnt' get much rain :(

  5. Azzy, good luck with the clearout!!! I'm sure you will make up for not saying much at the moment. I'm sure I'll be able to hear the yellin' from here...LMAO!!!

    Mousie... I like being in the UK when weather is like today, but when it is grey and rainy it is not so much fun. Anywayz, I hope you are keeping well and still smiling!!!

  6. Hey Muse!!!! LOL! I spent this afternoon on my Computer too, posting my photos from this morning. And yo uwill be surprised, everywhere is wonderful when looking throug the lense of a camera... I challenge you to do a Sunday morning photo post soon (even if it is at the!)

  7. Weekend Warrior, thanks for nice comment. It's funny - because I would love to visit San Diego - I have read and heard so much about it. I'll send you some rain ,if you send us some sun :)

    Kind regards ~ Graham

  8. well that challenge i can do - although it may be another morning besides sunday. I do have thurs/fri off this week! Now - 20 miles is pretty broad so I'll have to think of something interesting within that radius. But honestly, i swear to god there is nothing interesting where i

    BUT...I will do this. And so i don't forget i'm going to stick that challenge on my sidebar

  9. Wow, that look cool ! I love the fog, the "Sleepy hollow" landscape, the feeling I get when I look at these pics... What time was it ? Looks pretty chilly !

    "Taking a stroll"... is that British ? I think we all say "taking a walk" here ! Might just be my English too ;-)

    I've just completed your diner meme. I know, it took forever, but I think you might like it ;-)

  10. Oh and BTW... I spent my Sunder morning SLEEPING ! Like normal people ! :D

  11. Hiya Zhu!!

    LOL! Taking a walk means the same thing. A stroll is generally used in England to express a slow and relaxed walk.

    Ssssshhhhhhh! Don't tell anybody, but usually I stay in bed for a few hours on Sundays too. I think today I had a bit of a mad moment.

    ps. I loved your Dinner Party meme, it was great and yummy!!!!!!

    Best wishes as always ~ Graham

  12. You're so English I love it :)! It rains again and again... but you rejoice in its gifts. Kind of makes me wish for a little haze, dew, and spiderwebs of my own. Good Lord I never thought I'd say that ;).

  13. Thanks Daszzle - You know me, I never pass on a good photo opportunity, rain or shine ;)

  14. I have been to the Cotswolds years ago and I LOVED them so much I did not want the time to end. So, so beautiful. I cannot wait to see them again in March next year and show my son all the beauty of it.

  15. PS, I am a little envious of your morning walk!!

  16. what a lovely day u had....its really beautiful....i can just feel the words...and the snaps....great pictures....i knw its so nice when it is filled with mist and the wetty wetty land...autumn is the best i think....yellow leaves....and breeze and cloudy...
    was a total rest day at home...on sunday for me...

  17. Sure Graham. You are welcome to visit San Diego. Not having enough rains apart, it's a great city to be in.

  18. Beautiful photos, Graham! *sigh* I really must visit England sometime.

  19. oooh Graham! This is Daszzle speaking and you've been tagged for a meme :). Visit my site for the details (you know I'm too lazy to write them all out here ;).

  20. Graham,

    This is a lovely place to go! And what a marvelous way to start a Sunday morning!

    Sooo, I heard that you are coming to Portugal next year!!! You will love it! It's a great place to visit, and the food is delicious (specially the egg-based sweets)!
    What region will you be visiting? Let me know, next time you drop by my blog (perhaps I could give you some tips)!

    Before leaving: I utterly loved the pics...gorgeous!


  21. Linda, I'm sure you will have another wonderful time visiting the Costwolds. And make sure you take lots and lots of photos!!!

    Gayathri, isn't it such an amazing time of year. A total rest day sounds equally as wondeful!!

    Weekend Warrior, you are so correct. I have heard so much about San Diego. I do hope the fires haven't caused too much damage for you. My thoughts are with everybody there ~ Take Care.

  22. Tish, you MUST absolutely visit England sometime. You would have a magical time, it is such an amazing country, exploding with history.

  23. Max, thanks for the offer. We have booked a 5 bedroom Villa in the Algarve (about 10 minutes from Lagos). I would be truly grateful if you could make any recommendations for places to visit and things to do.
    Best Wishes ~ Graham :)

  24. This is lovely place to visit. I have already booked accommodation for my tour to England & I will reached there in approximately in next two or three days.


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)