Saturday 27 October 2007

Carving My First Jack O'Lantern

Well, Halloween is almost upon us and time for a challenge. Several week ago, Muse from Xanadu and I agreed to a challenge to carve a pumpkin for Halloween and to reveal our attempts on our Blogs. Well, here is mine...

There is a national shortage of pumpkins here in the UK, due to the awful weather that we have experienced this year. Because of this, my pumpkin was rather small (well, they do say size doesn't matter!).

My first task was to chop the top off...

Then to sccop the flesh and seeds out...

Making sure that everything is removed...

Then the best bit, the design. I started with a blank sheet of A4 paper...

...folded it half and began to draw half a face...

Once the first half face was completed, I folded the paper the opposite way and traced the image. This is so, when opening the paper to the full page again, I could copy the image over to the other side of the page to get an 'even' looking face.

The last stage was to roughly cut out the design and pin it to the pumpkin. Using another pin and following the pencil lines, I spiked the design onto the pumpkin. This produced an image on the pumpkin that is easy to cut out with a knife.

Finally, the challenge is complete. here are a few photos of the finished item:

So here endeth another challenge. If any of you would like to take up this challenge for yourselves, please let me know as I would love to visit your blog and see the result.

I wish you all a ghoulish Halloween..... Muahahahahahahahaha


  1. local pumpkins here in my area aren't really used up for some kinda jack-o-lantern, but might as well do a different project. You've done a great job with your pumpkin dude! :)

  2. Great job on the jack-o-lantern, Graham! And very sexy voice and accent! hubba hubba...

  3. great job graham! I was suprised you carved it so early as it may not last until halloween. I'll do mine maybe tuesday because wednesday all my shows come on. Why so concerned about lopsided eyes? The great thing about pumpkin carving is the more jagged and imperfect it is, the better. And I like that his expression is a bit wicked

    So now the question is, what did you do with the stuffing? ;-) You did it so neatly, i normally make an unholy mess. Good job!! So now you can add that to your list of skills

    btw i love how you pronounce "process". I can't imagine american accents are that appealing to anyone but it's sure fun to hear everyone

  4. Pretty good !

    To be honest, I've never carved a pumpkin. I was asked to pick one p at the supermarket last week, and it was all rotten inside. Yuck. I'm not really a Halloween person !

    Halloween is a chore to me actually... I guess I didn't grow up celebrating it, so it's hard to get in the mood.

  5. I've presented you with an award, my friend! :)

  6. Parisukat, Thanks for your kind comment. I have never used a pumpkin for carving either lol! The amazing thing is that this was the first time I have even held a pumpkin. I don't usually go in for Halloween. Lol, there is always a first time for everything. I look forward to seeing your Jack O'Lantern!!

  7. Tish, thanks.... personally, I can't stand my voice. It sounds nothing like how I iamgine it to. I think I sound like Rowan Atkinson when he is playing Mr Bean.

    By the way, thank you for the Award, your kindness is truly appreciated :)

  8. LOL Muse! How else would "process" be pronounced? You'll have to speak on your Pumpkin post, so that I can find out ;)

    I can't wait to see your!!!

    I pureed the stuffing and am going to roast the pumpkin seeds. I'm not ready to make the pumpkin pie yet, so have put the puree in the freezer. I'll post the pie making in the near future!!

    Anywayz, happy carving!!!!!

  9. Hey Zhu! Likewise, I have never really gone in for Halloween. I usually manage to pick up a small box of chocolates and fruit to give to the local children who knock on my door "Trick or Treating". That's about it.

    This year I thought I would do things a little different and give it a go. To be honest, I found the carving quite fun and expressive - I am also looking forward to making the pie!!!

    I guess these things are a chore for teachers who are unable to escape from it at school.

  10. awsome 1
    will find out if i can try
    matt ryder

  11. Size DOES matter, but what your Jack lacks in diameter is more than made up for in quality. ;-)

  12. "Let's go to the cellar and carve ourselves a witch!"

    What? This isn't the Evil Dead fanboys convention but Graham's blog?

    Oh man I need to set my priorities straight:)

    Great design and great execution sir Graham well done!

  13. Awesome Job. My hubby usually carves our pumpkins but I took on the task this year. My pumpkin will be posted very soon.

  14. Pretty job and 'pretty' 'scary' face too!! :D

  15. Oooh! Love the pumpkin!!!!
    Pwhoor! Love your voice!!!!!!
    Wha, ha, ha! Love the credits!!!!!!
    Excellent work once again.

  16. Neat handiwork! I wish you a very "scary" Halloween. Btw, thanks for the kind words with regards to the fire situation. I really appreciate it.

  17. Hey Matt, make sure you send me a photo of your Jack O'lantern!!! ps. Good luck with the treasure map too!!!!!

  18. Bottleblond, you certain know how to make a grown man blush ;)

    DP, muahahahahahah!!!!!!

    Kasper, I look forward to seeing your Jack O'lantern post. I must admit that I had a great time carving mine :)

  19. Choc, hey thanks for the nice comment :)

    Azzitizz, thanks!!! and thank you again for watching the clip right through to the credits... I'm sure most people fell asleep as soon as they heard my!!!

    Neoauteur, thanks and a scary halloween to you too!!! I hope things are okay with you all over there.

  20. Hey Graham,
    I'm sure there a quite a few females who would love to fall asleep listening to your voice.
    Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

  21. Nicely done, Graham! I should take you up on your challenge, though I'm so pathetic I'd end up creating a Halloween massacre I believe...

    We actually don't even carve our pumpkins (since we have 2 little kids). Instead, we use these Mr. Potato Head pieces to make funny faces/arms/hats/etc on them. Not as unique, but way safer and the kids seem to dig it.

  22. hi

    can we exhange ours links



Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)