Tuesday 19 February 2008

What I am listening to at the moment....

I was listening to my IPOD on my way home from work this evening, and began to scan through the tracks that I listen to most often. The playlist below represents those tracks. I'm not sure what it says about me....lol! Anywayz, I thought I would share the list with you. Feel free to have a listen!


  1. At the moment I am listening to Paul Simon. Sometimes I will play one song over and over and over. I like the feeling of it playing over. I get something out of it each time. I have been known to jog to one song repeating itself 20 times. A few months ago Bruce Springsteen was playing in my car non stop. A couple of years ago I had the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang soundtrack playing - it was not appreciated by other occupants. But I do know the words to every song now! What you are listening to says "tender hearted" to me.

  2. Linda, WOW! Paul Simon... you have great taste. I do exactly the same as you. If I get a song in my mind, I have to listen to it over and over. LOL! The Chitty Chitty Bang Bang soundtrack? Quite appropriate for a car...LOL! Thank you for your kind comment :)

  3. Ohhh...Graham...I love it...you answer to no one...it's so random! A little bit of everything!

  4. you have excellent taste in music. wide rage...good variety. Me likes.

  5. Michelle, thank you :) It is strange that I have never been stuck to a particular genre of music. Generally it is the meaning of the lyrics in a song that grab me first. Also, the type of music is dictated by the mood I am in....LOL!

    Hey Meleah Rebeccah :) A wide range of music for a wandering mind I guess...lol! Either that else I am simpy confused...LOL!

  6. Your playlist looks like mine sometimes. Great music taste. Right now I am listening to the Beatles. I just recently reset the play count in my iTunes, so I do not ahve an accurate reading for that. When I get home I want to see what my iPod is at.


  7. HEY! we both love Otis Redding "These Arms of Mine"!!!

    I loooooove that song.

    great playlist, thanks for sharing!!

  8. Hello! You've got a nice playlist Graham. Incidentally, I just bought an iPod Touch (yeah, I'm a late bloomer on these things..lol) and most probably I'd include some of your songs in my playlists...those were good ones!

    Happy Sunday!


  9. So, I popped over from AZZITIZ's to see what is so great about you and sterted reading your playlist thinking what a weird selection, then I realised at least half the songs are on my mp3 player.

    I'm a bit stuck on Three Doors Down and Evanescence at the moment though with a few Greek pop songs mixed in.

    Why the hell did Linda mention Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I'm going to have it stuck in my head now like when I used to watch postman pat with the kids.

  10. Hey Graham,

    lol Well, what does your track list say of you...? I'd say that it tell us that you like a variety of songs, that you don't stick to only one genre...

    "Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio lol...I have that CD it is sooo cool :). Chaka Khan, I just love her: what a voice!
    Amy Winehouse...no words to describe her songs :)!

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Graham :D!

    Have a blessed weekend, love!



Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)