Sunday 2 March 2008

February Photograph Challenge "Patterns" Results

Thank you to everybody who took up the February photography challenge with the theme of "Patterns". All the participants showed their amazing talent, creativity and interpretation skills with fabulous results.

Please click on the links below to view their wonderful pieces of art:

Muse from Xanadu - A creative look at Retail Architecture

Zhu from Correr Es Mi Destino - A wintery view of scarves in the snow

Amy Palko from Lives Less Ordinary - Revealing the true beauty of peacock feathers

Crystal from Choc Mint Girl - The elegant Red Packet(Angpow)for Chinese New Year

Michelle Dawn from Rusin Roundup - A blast of colour with building blocks and a beautiful page of fine art flowers

Sexy In Red - A birds eye view of the wonderful ceramic tile design in Marrakesh (Morocco)

Thank you all once again for your wonderful contributions. If I have missed anybody off the list, please let me know and I'll be sure to add you. Also, it is not too late if you still would like to share your photograph.

My contribution to the challenge is shown below.

It is a photograph of a Pot Pourri ball. The ball is almost perfectly round, however as I look closer I notice that each segment has it's own individual and unique shape.

So, now it is time for the March Challenge. When setting the Fenruary challenge, I asked if anybody had any ideas for the March theme. Any ideas would be added to a poll at the beginning of March. The themes that were suggested are as follows:

1) Home
2) Destruction
3) Generations
4) Where I work
5) Springtime

I have posted a poll on the top of my left hand side bar. It'll stay open until Saturday 8th March. Please be welcome to vote for which ever theme you would like to attempt in March.

I'll then announce the winning Theme and set the challenge on Sunday 9th March.

Best wishes ~ Graham x


  1. Um.. Graham.. your first and second link to the submissions are the same.. might want to fix that. ;)

    I especially enjoyed the peacock feather submission, just wonderful! :)

  2. Hey Chica :)

    Great to hear from you! Thanks I have just rectified the link problem.

  3. beautiful submission! I wonder what that ball is made of? I guess curled up wood, as that is what ours are made of. I love that you can look closer at something less ordinary and suddenly it's beautiful. That's what makes this an awesome little challenge. I liked the scarves in the snow especially as well. :-)

    As for the next challenge you will have to decide as host - I can't do the work one however. Compliance issues.

  4. You got really nice pattern pot pouri ball there...Graham...

    I gotta agree with red this challenge just make me realized something ordinary like the patterns on the scarves, tiles and even blocks looks amazing when we
    scrutinized it closely :)

    Owhh and I had voted for the next challenge too...looking forward for the next challenge

  5. I voted for destruction. Springtime? What can I do with that? Spring won't be till May in Canada! :D

  6. OK, Graham, I've visited everyone's contributions and I've had a lovely time admiring and commenting. I've also voted, but, perhaps surprisingly, didn't vote for my own suggestion! I voted for generations. And, now I get to comment on your photo - phew!
    Needless to say I thought it was a beautiful contribution, and as I said in a comment on another challenge photo, I think it's such a wonderful gift to be able to see beauty such as this in your everyday environment.
    Can't wait to find out what the next challenge is!

  7. Very creative. Maybe I'll vote for destruction or something else. Obviously, I can't vote for springtime he he he...

    Well, have a great day, Graham! Take care!! :)

  8. Destruction would be good, I could take a piccy of my once beautiful garden now Max has been out there!!!!!!!!!!



Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)