Sunday 28 September 2008

The Great Egg and Spoon Balancing Challenge!!

Muse at Xanadu set me a challenge of trying to balance an egg on its end. Well, when somebody throws down the gauntlet and sets me a challenge, I cannot turn it down.

I have balanced eggs on their ends before, so I thought I'd make it more difficult for myself. So rather than balancing it on the big end, I wanted to try and balance it on the pointed end...

Well, after a couple of hours I managed to achieve that feat... by this time my hands were shaking and I had almost turned blue due to holding my breath as I precariously balance the egg on its tip. I then had the almost impossible task of very slowly walking away and picking up my camera to take a shot of it. Desperately trying to avoid making any unnecessary movement, in fear of the vibrations making their way to the egg and causing it to topple. Here is the result:

But no!!! Now I have achieved this, I WANT to do more. One of my weaknesses is that I am never ever satisfied with my work, no matter what I put my hand too. So this challenge, although complete, needed a little bit of a twist. So I decided to raise the stakes. I now want to balance a spoon on top of the egg that is already balanced on its tip. My goodness!!! Am I barking mad???? Surely there must be something better for me to be doing at this moment in my life??? eh...nope! So, I slowly maneuvered my way over to the cutlery drawer and carefully slid it open... like a butterfly in flight, I slowly put my hand inside and pulled out a small teaspoon. I moved over to the balanced egg and held my breath once again. My hand moved slowly to the top of the egg, a small bead of sweat trickled down my brow....

I slowly lowered the spoon onto the top of the egg.....

the egg wobbled!!!! I stopped.....

I tried again.....

it wobbled again....

One more time, this time I can feel it deep in my bones, I can do it!...

And guess what?.......


HURRAY!!! And here is the evidence:

Okay, so now the challenge goes on! Can you balance an egg on its end? If you can, can you go that step further and balance a teaspoon on top of it?

Go on, you know you want to try it! Go get that egg and get balancing!!

Oh and be sure to post a photo... I want to see the proof!!!

Good luck and just remember... if all else fails, make an omelet!!!!

Bye for now,

Graham x


  1. well that is just amazing! I'm so astounded you could balance it on the small end - i've tried that before and had no luck. But i do not know how on earth you managed the spoon on top of that. Crazy glue?! Was it hard boiled?! lol This is really great!

    Probably best sets the tone for photography, the challenge itself of balancing the egg will test your patience

  2. You cheeky! I can assure you that there is absolutely no trickery involved in this... just a steady hand, a whole bunch of determination and about 90 minutes!!! And no, I didn't even boil the egg, it was fresh out of the box.

    Thanks for the challenge!

  3. That is amazing. What patients you must have!! I think I’ll pass on this one. I have to miniature stomping giants that thud around my kitchen, good for making omelettes but not good for balancing spoons on eggs.

    I'll be positing my challenge entry tonight when I get home from work.

  4. Holy Geez! I must try this!! :D

  5. oh my gosh. I should try this; if only to teach myself patience!

  6. oh my word lol!!! I'm afraid I wouldn't have given up on this until I had managed to balance it as well (nothing defeats me!) How about this one - stick your leg out and move it in a circular clockwise motion, whilst drawing a number six in the air.... Let me know how you get on!

  7. Okay you little gooher! LOL
    Admit it!
    You used Super Glue....right?!!

    Okay, okay... I know you too well to know that you didn't. But I HAD to call you a goober just because it sounded so fun and I've not used the word goober since grade shcool. And then I HAD to tease you just are YOU!!! LOL LOL

    Honestly? I was very impressed and thought how much patience you have. I would have taken the egg tapped it slightly on the end to indent it and then set it down so it would now easily sit there. Then I would have taken the spoon and lightly tapped the top to make a dent, rested the spoon in it and take my bleedin' picture.

    NO! That's not true. Actually I am just like you and will spend the same amount of time do something like that when someone challenges me. I can't resist a challenge.

    Also the egg just standing there is such a ZEN photo. I love it. The lines and smoothness are very soothing to me.

    It is so good to see someone who is still alive and full of life and creativity and likes to do so many fun things...even an egg challenge.

    Now, can you get into a narrow necked soda bottle without breaking it??? (her eyebrows waggle)

    BIG hugs,
    Robin xx

  8. You really don't have anything to do?!!! Hahahaa... Just joking!!! That was impressive and creative, Graham. :)

  9. If only I could balance my income and outgoings as well as you can balance an egg!!!!


  10. wow! I would never have the patience to get that shot! you rule!


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Best wishes ~ Graham :)