Wednesday 17 September 2008

Time for a change!!!

Well, it has been time for a change for my blog! And I would like to thank my very good friend Chica from Photo-Projectz for taking the time and effort to create and build this marvellous layout.

I absolutely love the header and the colour scheme. It is a significant improvement on what was here before, and she has really managed to capture a part of me here. Chica has kindly left a few things for me to play with to enable me to add my very own personal touch. So I will be having a dabble over the next few days!

If you would like help with your blog design, then I totally recommend you visit Chica's graphic design services website design-bug.


  1. Awww, your so welcome Cracker. your so genuine and kind, that I just had to help you out when you needed it. :)

  2. Chica, I sincerely appeeciate your time and hard work on this! And thanks for being a great friend too :) ~ Cracker!!

  3. oops! Typo alert! That was "appreciate" lol!!

  4. New layout looks fantastic. It was lovely of Chica to help you out. She has done a grat job.

    My blog is very plain as I have no skill when it come to organiseing and andd extra bits to it. LOL!

    Can't wait to see it with all your finishing touches.

  5. well done chica! Change is always good. I think the color scheme really goes with the content, has a journal/travel like feel to it. The header is fantastic! Photoshop? I so wish I could come up with a header, mine are always so cheezy

  6. You won't mind me plugging me graphic service site in here will ya? I can help a lot of people out.

    Thanks Cracker :D

  7. Great job, Chica!

    Graham, I want to see larger versions of those photos of you! :)

    Hope to chat with you soon.

  8. Hey you little sweetie, I agree with Chica..."you're so genuine and kind," ABSOLUTELY the BEST!

    The only thing I miss is your podcast greeting. It was fun to hear your voice. I listened to that a couple of times. Just love the accent!!! :) :) Maybe it's still here and I just can't find it. If not I think it should be added. In fact I liked yours so much that I recorded one of my own but it's not as good as what you had. Yours was so natural and warm, like the guy next YOU!

    Thinking of you and hope you've avoided this chest/throat thing that's going around the world right now.

    Take care my dear friend.
    Know that you are thought of often.
    I've missed being here more and seeing what you are up to.

    Robin xx :) :)

    PS Also watched the video below of Swindon in Wiltshire and loved seeing where you live. I tried to spot your house but they didn't put a red X on it. I kept looking for "GRAHAM LIVES HERE >>>", but the bloody laggards forgot to do that. LOL :) :) Rob x

  9. Hey, Trig from SezWho here.

    Just wanted to stop by to see if you ran into any problems etc. with the service.

    Let me know at


  10. Love the new layout very much.

  11. Oooooh nice!
    Thought I had come to the wrong blog at first.
    Been off line for some reason, couldn't find my blog or anyone elses for about seven or so hours.
    No idea what the prob was and no idea how it got fixed??????
    Hope you are having a great week.
    Love Azzy

  12. Verrreee nice! Love the header. :) Well done to both of you. :)

  13. Graham

    I used to have a little bit of an issue getting on to your blog sometimes (it would freeze up on me and I would have to get out and reload) but this new site loads just fine and fast. Great job! Love it!

  14. You're getting all sorts of positive feedback here.....I won't be the party pooper.....I love it, too! Great job Chica :o)

    I suppose that maybe I need a snazzy layout too, I'm just cheap!!

  15. Oh, this is just awesome! It loads fast, display your pictures at the bottom, great layout, great color scheme... this is approved by Zhu! ;)

  16. A little message to all of you who have given such kind comments here, thank you all very much!!! And I also want to thank each and every one of you for being such a wonderful source of inspiration! You all help make a really big difference! Thank you again!

  17. I love the knew layout. It is very creative and perfect your travelers. I found a new travel site, I think you might like it.


  18. Wow, I turn my back for a few days and wow, this is fab! Really love it! I too used to have problems loading your original blog and this is alot better organised. Love the header, want to do something similar with mine, mmm, might have to get hubbie working on that as some point!

  19. Hi Getty! Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. I couldn´t believe my eyes when I was reading what you wrote. Thank you very much! Besides, English is not my mother tongue, so I was very pleased to read such nice words :D I can´t help thanking you again...xoxo

  20. Hey Graham!

    Nice change!! I like the new layout: refreshing :D!


  21. Great layout. So often I could not load your last one (slow). Well done. Apparently a change is as good as a holiday - not sure about that.

  22. Its awful quiet around here lately, what are you busy with? :)
    PS: Just a note that your posts don't have the date posted, only the time?

    I look forward to the results of the photo challenge, and to see if you had any time to balance that egg!

  23. Hi guys
    We're running a video campaign on behalf of Holiday Extras who are looking to appear on sites like,
    and I'm enquiring if would you be interested in posting the clip, which is targeted at your readers.
    The film features Paul Kaye and is a humorous look at airport parking and highlights the importance of security.
    You would be paid for the placement and so that your user's know it's commercial content, the video should be marked as 'Sponsored'.
    Alternatively we have options for sidebar and expandable clips for traditional advertising spaces.
    Viewers would not leave your site when watching the film, and the clip would be embedded in a compatible video format.
    We are looking at a live date very soon, please see the clip here:

    Please let me know if you're interested in this opportunity.
    Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon
    best regards

    Toby Young

  24. Graham,

    A really nice design (and I always loved your original one as well). I am glad you followed your heart for a new look. Sometimes we need that to spice things up a bit.

    Best always love,

  25. Hi Graham! Loooong time no talk! Thanks so much for the nice messages you left on my blog. I took an unplanned break from blogging, but now I'm getting back into it.
    Your blog looks great! And I always love looking at your photography.
    I've taken your advice about the gee-tar recordings! Well, I'm practicing hard and working up the skill (and courage) to post it. :)
    I hope all is well, talk to you soon!


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)