Sunday 30 March 2008

March Photograph Challenge "Destruction"

"It's not the camera that takes a great photograph, it is the photographer"

Thank you to all of you who have contacted me about the monthly photograph challanges, and well done to those of you who have posted their interpretations. They have been of an extremly high standard like always!!

Please click on the links below to see eachothers' wonderful creativity at work, and please leave an encouraging comment whilst you are there....

Xanadu - Prescription Drugs

Rusin Roundup - The Bedrooms

Choc Mint Girl - Cigarettes

Crow's Feet - Sheep In The Garden

Tint's Meadnerings - The House of Cards

Correr Es Mi Destino - Ottawa's First Fire of 2008

Azzy's Blog-A-Roonie - After the dog has finished with the Garden

Please note that it is NEVER too late to include your photo!! So if you do want to join in with this challenge, please add a comment to this post with a link to your photograph and I will add it to the list above! Click here to read the guidelines. And most importantly, have fun!!!!

The idea for my contribution came whilst preparing an omelette a few mornings ago. As always, my mind was somewhere up in the clouds when I accidently dropped an egg onto my chopping board... and "CRACK!!!", the shell broke and the egg oozed out. It was at that point that I realised how a structure so perfect can also be so fragile.

Destruction - A Broken Egg

I have a great fun theme idea for April, which I will announce on 1st April. So, keep your eyes peeled and your camera at the ready!!!

Warm regards,

Graham xx


  1. Just posted my contribution today! Have a look at it ;-)

    Love yours. The close-up is incredibly clear and... wow, it's beautiful! It's original too... I wouldn't have thought of it!

    Let me thank you at the same time for your birthday wishes. I just came back from France and had very little internet time over there, so sorry for not reacting earlier...

    Have a good Sunday!

  2. Hey Zhu! Thanks for your kind comment. I am trying to play about with Macro photograph... I'm getting there slowly athough I still have a lot to learn.

    I am glad that you had a lovely trip to France and I hope you had a great birthday too!

  3. poor little egg never made it to the cookie dough. I love that pic!! very creative and great shot

  4. That Humpty Dumpty won't get put together again. Great intrepretation.

  5. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I forgot about your project, my apologies, I will definably submit with the April one to make up for things. Love the egg photo, that happens to me a lot, then again, I'm no shining star in the kitchen! So it's to be expected, hehe. :)

  6. March 31st!!!! JUST MADE IT!!!!
    Done my entry for your challenge, it's on my blog (and Max's)

    Sorry not been around much lately, lots on my mind! (trouble at t'mill and all that!)

    Hope you had a nice Easter weekend, did you get the snow down there like we did up here? Got some pics of it on my blog.

    Can't wait to see April's challenge.

    Love Azzy

  7. Good to see you still with the challenges.

  8. Hahahah Muse, I know... how sad that egg was when it realised it wasn't going into the cookie dough. Still, there are plenty more where that one came from... Mmmmmmm which means plenty more cookie dough! Yippeeeee!!!

    Kasper794... That was always one of my favourite nursery rhymes. If I had thought, I should have drwan a face on it!

    Chica :) awwww, no worries. Anywayz I really appreciate your tips and advice with the photography techniques. You sound like you have the same cooking skills as me ... I'm sure we would have a "smashing" time in the kitchen...LOL!

  9. Azzy, my goodness... what has your dog done to your! It looks like "Time Team" have been searching for a long lost Roman! A great photo!! I hope you are okay... and keep smiling :)

    Hiya Sue, thanks for your comment :) I love these challenges as they help me practice my photography whilst stretching my imagination a little at the same time!

  10. that is such an awesome shot of the cracked egg.

    man you are really talented.

    cant wait to see more.


  11. This is perfect! Your focus is spot on and the interpretation of the theme is great. The colours are rich and true. I like it.

    I was just thinking to myself that only a photographer would see a potential shoot in a kitchen disaster ;)

  12. Meleah Rebeccah, thank you so much. And your photographs are truly inspiring too! You shold join one of the challenges... your photographs are always fantastic!!!

    Tint~ Thanks.... I have enough kitchen disasters to fill an art!!!

  13. Love the photo and idea, Graham! :)


Thanks for leaving a message.... I appreciate it.

Best wishes ~ Graham :)