Tuesday, 19 February 2008

What I am listening to at the moment....

I was listening to my IPOD on my way home from work this evening, and began to scan through the tracks that I listen to most often. The playlist below represents those tracks. I'm not sure what it says about me....lol! Anywayz, I thought I would share the list with you. Feel free to have a listen!


linda said...

At the moment I am listening to Paul Simon. Sometimes I will play one song over and over and over. I like the feeling of it playing over. I get something out of it each time. I have been known to jog to one song repeating itself 20 times. A few months ago Bruce Springsteen was playing in my car non stop. A couple of years ago I had the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang soundtrack playing - it was not appreciated by other occupants. But I do know the words to every song now! What you are listening to says "tender hearted" to me.

Graham Ettridge said...

Linda, WOW! Paul Simon... you have great taste. I do exactly the same as you. If I get a song in my mind, I have to listen to it over and over. LOL! The Chitty Chitty Bang Bang soundtrack? Quite appropriate for a car...LOL! Thank you for your kind comment :)

Michelle Hix said...

Ohhh...Graham...I love it...you answer to no one...it's so random! A little bit of everything!

Anonymous said...

you have excellent taste in music. wide rage...good variety. Me likes.

Graham Ettridge said...

Michelle, thank you :) It is strange that I have never been stuck to a particular genre of music. Generally it is the meaning of the lyrics in a song that grab me first. Also, the type of music is dictated by the mood I am in....LOL!

Hey Meleah Rebeccah :) A wide range of music for a wandering mind I guess...lol! Either that else I am simpy confused...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Your playlist looks like mine sometimes. Great music taste. Right now I am listening to the Beatles. I just recently reset the play count in my iTunes, so I do not ahve an accurate reading for that. When I get home I want to see what my iPod is at.


Chick said...

HEY! we both love Otis Redding "These Arms of Mine"!!!

I loooooove that song.

great playlist, thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! You've got a nice playlist Graham. Incidentally, I just bought an iPod Touch (yeah, I'm a late bloomer on these things..lol) and most probably I'd include some of your songs in my playlists...those were good ones!

Happy Sunday!


cathy said...

So, I popped over from AZZITIZ's to see what is so great about you and sterted reading your playlist thinking what a weird selection, then I realised at least half the songs are on my mp3 player.

I'm a bit stuck on Three Doors Down and Evanescence at the moment though with a few Greek pop songs mixed in.

Why the hell did Linda mention Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I'm going to have it stuck in my head now like when I used to watch postman pat with the kids.

Max Coutinho said...

Hey Graham,

lol Well, what does your track list say of you...? I'd say that it tell us that you like a variety of songs, that you don't stick to only one genre...

"Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio lol...I have that CD it is sooo cool :). Chaka Khan, I just love her: what a voice!
Amy Winehouse...no words to describe her songs :)!

Thanks for sharing this with us, Graham :D!

Have a blessed weekend, love!


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